Our Program and Services
Good Shepherd Australia New Zealand’s mission is to strive for dignity and social justice for women, girls and families, collaborating globally and acting locally. We’ve walked alongside people experiencing disadvantage and vulnerability for 160 years in Australia, and over 400 years internationally. We take a trauma-informed strengths-based approach to our work, which includes advocating for evidence-informed systemic change.
Please download our Services Brochure below for a full list of all Good Shepherd’s programs and services.
These include:
- No Interest Loans (NILs): Safe and affordable credit with 0% interest and no fees or charges. Borrow up to $2,000 for essentials including whitegoods, educational expenses, car repairs and rego, medical expenses and more. Borrow up to $3,000 for bond or rent in advance. Visit nils.com.au for more info.
- Financial Independence Hub (FIH): Free, confidential, one-on-one support for victim-survivors of family and domestic violence to gain confidence and skills managing their finances. Reach out to the FIH Team on 1300 050 150 or fih@goodshep.org.au .
- Good Shepherd also offers a range of place-based services, including support for those with experience of family & domestic violence, homelessness, families experiencing challenges or trauma (including parents, children and young people), small business support and more.
We are safe.
We are well.
We are strong.
We are connected.