Australian AboriginalTorress Strait IslandPrograss Pride

We are here for you

Good Shepherd helps with specialist domestic and family violence recovery, crisis and housing services and works closely with emergency and protection services.

We can:

  • Provide individualised support to meet your safety needs in our case management program 
  • Connect you to legal services, financial assistance, counsellors, support groups and housing services
  • Assist you in the healing and recovery process
  • Support you in developing long term resilience

These services are available for women residing in Brimbank-Melton, Mornington, and surrounding areas in Victoria.

If you live outside these areas and require urgent support, please call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732. This is a national service, available to 24/7 and to all genders.


Our family violence services are Rainbow Tick accredited. We are a safe and welcoming space for LGBTIQA+ people.

Rainbow Tick Accredited Symbol

Woman photo
woman nursing a young child

Forms of family & domestic violence

  • Emotional abuse – taking away your sense of self, bullying, manipulating or threatening you
  • Physical abuse – physical violence or taking away control of your body
  • Sexual abuse – forcing you to engage in unwanted sexual or close contact or sexual conversation
  • Financial abuse – using money, finances or work options to control you
  • Social abuse – controlling who you’re in contact with, when or how often you are in contact with people
  • Stalking – following or tracking you in real life or online without your consent
  • Psychological abuse – making you doubt yourself, tormenting you; or threatening to hurt you or a loved one
  • Technological abuse – controlling access to technology, tracking you, monitoring your devices


Sometimes the signs of abuse are not obvious. No one else may know you’re being abused. You can feel like it’s your fault (it’s not) or that it’s normal (it isn’t). Nothing you say or do makes it OK for someone to hurt you.

If someone is making you feel unsafe or uncomfortable in any way, is trying to control or manipulate you, or is harming you in any way – that’s abuse. It’s ok to talk about it with someone and it’s ok to ask for help. You deserve to be respected and feel safe, always. If you don’t feel safe, please reach out to us or call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit 1800 RESPECT

Contact Us

Family Violence Services - Brimbank - Melton VIC

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Ph: 03 8312 8800

Family Violence Services - Hastings VIC

Monday to Friday 9am – 5pm
Ph: 03 5971 9444

If you live outside these areas, support is available

Call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732. Or visit 1800 RESPECT

This is a national service, open 24 hours to support people impacted by sexual assault, domestic or family violence and abuse.

If you’re in immediate danger, call 000.



If you or someone you know needs help immediately

Here are some ways we can help

Family Violence Services Brimbank-Melton

Family Violence Services Brimbank-Melton

If you are experiencing family violence Good Shepherd can help. We provide specialist family violence services for those in the Brimbank-Melton region.
Bayside Peninsula Family Violence Services VIC

Bayside Peninsula Family Violence Services VIC

If you are experiencing family violence Good Shepherd can help. We provide specialist family violence services for those in the Bayside Peninsula.
Family violence counselling for your children

Family violence counselling for your children

Good Shepherd's family violence service includes counselling and support for your children.
Housing services

Housing services

Our Family Violence services can help connect you with special crisis accommodation.
Financial assistance

Financial assistance

Our Family Violence services can help you with financial assistance.
Legal Services Advice

Legal Services Advice

If you are experiencing family violence, we can connect you with helpful legal services.
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